Some glaring features of my reality are unappreciated by many. My sense of what is important compels me to mention some of them.
The Newcomers
Humanity, as we know it, began less than two million years ago. People might have been here on Earth a lot less than a million years ago; and a million is only one thousandth of a billion.
The science of astronomy and other sciences have produced evidence that the observable universe - stars and planets included - has existed for about 13 billion years.
That makes us newcomers.
The secrecy surrounding space aliens is no longer being enforced. According to ABC News, "Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it." In recent days, there has been a flood of disclosures concerning space aliens. The website, for example, publishes many accounts by credible sources. If you want more evidence, you can easily find it.
Psychic Capabilities
As newcomers, our psychic awareness is less prevalent than it is among those who got an earlier start. Although, despite a long-standing government interest in discouraging its development, there are just too many witnesses for the propaganda to be as effective as they have wished. Here is one of the great many presentations about this:
Rote memorization works. For two thousand years, we have known that it is not the most effective method. It is only the most obvious.
If governments were to attempt to find the educational policy that would be the most destructive of productivity and happiness, they would soon conclude that it would be to avoid teaching people what is known about how to remember.
See chapter 8.
Non-Lethal Defense
The technology for arresting attackers instead of killing them is still not very well developed in police forces and in the military. In my conversations with people, I have found that the low priority that this goal suffers is tied to resentment, anger, hatred and fear. One person told me that even if it were made practicable, "I would be against it because these people deserve to die."
After decades of following this issue, I find that there is a small start in the area of home invasion. It is a non-lethal handgun.
There have been military experiments and inventions, but their application to war is still virtually absent.
As Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "The world is ruled by imagination."
It is the mind and heart of the public that will make this goal a reality.
Chapter 1 - Violence and Feelings
Chapter 2 - Involuntary Memories
Chapter 5 - Achieving Tranquility
Chapter 8 - Cancelling Limitations
Chapter 12 - Staying In Your Higher Self