In 1944, I was born in North Africa (then known as French West Africa) of parents who were American citizens of European descent. I was raised in Rochester, NY after the end of World War II.
My purpose in writing this book is to share my observations about widely unappreciated causes of violence and war. Nothing I have learned is more relevant to the wellbeing and happiness of people.
How people feel and behave is critical to the way they relate to each other, what governmental actions they vote for, and a multitude of other features of our cultures.
How people thrive is enormously influenced by their personal values, the emotional characteristics of their leaders, their unfortunate acceptance of extreme centralization of decision-making power, the misinformation concerning their cognitive potential, their lack of understanding of brainwashing, and impediments to the good things that they wish for.
The goodness in your life is important, whether you connect goodness with God or not.
I hope that my observations prove useful.
Chapter 1 - Violence and Feelings
Chapter 2 - Involuntary Memories
Chapter 5 - Achieving Tranquility
Chapter 8 - Cancelling Limitations