Feelings, Thoughts, Words, Perceptions,
Memory, and Weak Signals
James Adrian
February 19, 2024

      Our language does not have a word that conflates feeling and thought; but it is obvious that some thoughts are also feelings. The word suspicion is an example. If we pay close attention to thoughts, we can find that most, if not all, thoughts are also feelings. Huge feels different from minuscule.

      There are advantages in having this awareness; yet, expressing this verbally demands a lot of words because of the lack of the right word. The omission and invention of words has effects on our thoughts and feelings that usually go unnoticed; but where would a writer or speaker be without this sensitivity?

      Being aware of the feelings inherent in thoughts allows people to better understand each other. That has far-reaching consequences.

      Many people believe that words are essential to having a thought. This is simply incorrect. When asked the question, particularly academicians say "Of course. You can't think without words." If we were to get most of our information from others by reading, it can seem that way.

      There are other modes.

      Mathematicians, inventors, experimenters, and many others have imagined all sorts of things without words. These include at least pictures, suspicions, and conclusions.

      In trigonometry, you may not yet have a name for these two kinds of isosceles triangles:


      They both have two sides that are equal in length to each other (thus the term isosceles triangle), but the two equal sides compares differently in length to the third side in the two different triangles. The triangle on the left has a third side that is longer than each of the other sides, whereas the triangle on the right has a third side that is shorter than either of the other sides.

      You didn't discern this from a name, or any other kind of word. Likewise, imagining whether two separately seen mechanical parts can possibly fit together is not decided by a stream of words. Deciding at first glance that you do not trust a particular stranger may come from warning signs that are not put into words before the distrust is felt. Conclusions are routinely reached from perceived evidence before a proof is written, or even before key phrases for such a proof cross your mind.

      Although not very common, thinking without word can become a habit of mind, as it has with several people that I know. Try it. You'll like it. It is particularly useful in the practice of mnemonics. However much time and work might be involved in choosing a scene or thing that is to stand for and remind you of some particular other thing, after such a decision is made, the time it takes to recall the reminding mnemonic can be almost arbitrarily short.

      The following article (please scroll down past the picture) is an example of the influence of our beliefs on our perceptions: https://www.futurebeacon.org/sphere.htm

      Motivated forgetting can cause a perception, or any information, to be instantly forgotten. It pays to be well trained in all matters of human memory. This training is a good start: Your Memory.

      Now, I must mention an ancient and virtually unused capability.

      When spoken language was in its infancy, there was another mode of communication. Imprecise, and not effective enough to slow the progress toward spoken language, it was based on body language, apparent mood, and a sensitivity that is not widely understood. Evidence of this sensitivity has been appreciated in out culture only relatively recently. With considerable work, the average person can be trained to develop this sensitivity. It works without the famous five senses. I call them weak signals.

      These signals are responsible for the objective demonstration of remote viewing, telepathy, and perhaps another like capability or two.

      The main difficulty in acquiring these skills is the widespread habits of mind that are used in learning information that exists in spoken and written form.

      I recommend that you begin your adventure with remote viewing, which is explained here.

      Brainwashing depends heavily on hatred and anger, and sometimes fear, usually over some supposed injustice.

      Years ago, during the Soviet Union days, the Soviets told the people of a closed city (nobody enters or leaves) a story which was an intentional lie. It was an experiment. About eight months later, they told those residents the truth, disclosing absolute proof in clear logical language. Nonetheless, 30% of them went to their grave not believing the truth, but firmly believing the lie originally told to them.

      A prosecutor, telling a jury all about a vicious crime, might inspire a juror to fear letting the accused go free; while another juror, trained in tranquility, would wait for the evidence.

      Without a conscious knowledge of these features of the human mind, the evaluation of evidence and the appreciation of the world we live in is limited, whatever our other challenges may be.


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